Sprouts Spotter v1.0

People want to know many signs each political candidate has in a given election. Candidate visibility is a relevant indicator for gauging the race for office, but historically difficult to keep track of. That’s why Stump is introducing Sprouts!

Sprouts allows for community reporting on political signage. View, verify, or confirm that you saw a political sign by clicking on the sign icons. Hold down (mobile) or double-click (desktop) and fill out the form that appears below the map to add a new sign.

This is version 1.0, so please bear with us as we work to improve the platform and add new features (Stump and Sprouts was originally built by someone that has zero coding experience and built everything using a laborious back and forth with a generative AI tool). Stump invites you to help make Sprouts better by adding and verifying content, contributing ideas in the comment section below, sharing the page with your network, or dropping us a line in our contact page to get involved!

Political Signs in the Current View

Candidate Name Office Total Signs Total IRL views

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