The Invisible Candidates
Chris Madden Chris Madden

The Invisible Candidates

Many candidates are falling short in the digital arena. In my recent audit of candidates profiled on Stump, I discovered a surprising number lacking essential online tools, from donation forms to campaign websites.

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Away Field Advantage
Chris Madden Chris Madden

Away Field Advantage

Most of the campaign contribution dollars in the Massachusetts state legislative races are coming from outside the candidates’ districts.

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Analyst Disclosures
Chris Madden Chris Madden

Analyst Disclosures

Financial professionals have to disclose holdings and certain relationships that may make them susceptible to biases or perverse incentives. Campaign finance reporting gives us the tools to identify similar patterns. Why don’t we use them more often?

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The Moat & The Monster
Chris Madden Chris Madden

The Moat & The Monster

Launching a political campaign and establishing a meaningful digital presence from scratch is already challenging. Facing off against a career politician with a sizeable campaign fund makes the hurdle even higher.

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Incumbency vs. Fundraising
Chris Madden Chris Madden

Incumbency vs. Fundraising

Incumbency is a huge advantage. But raising more money than the competition is really important too. Here we attempt to quantify how important incumbency and winning the fundraising race are in Massachusetts state legislative elections.

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